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电子邮箱: liulin67@安博体育.安博体育.edu.cn

刘林,安博体育副教授,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才,博士毕业于德国亚琛工业大学,随后分别在香港中文大学和香港理工大学从事博士后研究工作。研究领域包括柔性执行器、柔顺控制和人机协作控制在可穿戴辅助机器人上的联合应用;医疗器械的设计与控制;存在物理交互场景的医疗机器人、协作机器人的设计与控制。近年来研究成果发表在IEEE TMECH、IEEE T-ASE、IEEE TCST、MMT和IFAC World Congress等机器人和机械自动化领域重要会议和期刊上。担任过IEEE TMECH、MMT和ICRA等十余个国际会议和期刊的审稿工作。



E安博体育: liulin67@安博体育.安博体育.edu.cn

Researchgate: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Liu-86









2022.12-至今            中山大学                             副教授

2022.02-2022.12      香港理工大学                      博士后研究员

2020.12-2021.12      香港中文大学                      博士后研究员

2020.10-2021.12      香港物流机器人研究中心    博士后研究员



2013-2019    亚琛工业大学      电气工程专业   博士

2010-2013    西南交通大学      机械工程专业   硕士

2005-2009    西南交通大学      制造工程专业   学士



1. L. Liu, W. Chen, Z. Chen, W. Zhou*, R. Wei and Y. Liu, "Realization and Control of Robotic Injection Prototype with Instantaneous Remote Center of Motion Mechanism", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023.

2. L. Liu*, M. Illian, S. Leonhardt and B. J. E. Misgeld “Iterative Learning Control for Cascaded Impedance-Controlled Compliant Exoskeleton With Adaptive Reaction to Spasticity”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.

3. L. Liu*, S. Leonhardt, L. Bergmann, and B. Misgeld, “Composite Performance of Variable Stiffness Actuator for Exoskeleton Administrated via Impedance Control and Disturbance Observer”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2023.

4. L. Liu*, B. Misgeld, A. Pomprapa, and S. Leonhardt, “A Testable Robust Stability Framework for the Variable Impedance Control of 1-DOF VSA Exoskeleton System”, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 29, no. 6, 2021.

5. L. Liu*, ZJ. Hong, B. Penzlin, B. Misgeld, C. Ngo, L. Bergmann, and S. Leonhardt, “Low impedance-guaranteed gain-scheduled GESO for torque-controlled VSA, with application of exoskeleton-assisted sit-to-stand”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2021.

6. L. Liu*, S. Leonhardt, C. Ngo, and B. Misgeld, “Impedance-controlled variable stiffness actuator for lower-limb robot applications”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2020.

7. L. Liu*, S. Leonhardt, and B. Misgeld, “Experimental validation of a torque-controlled VSA tuned by gain scheduling”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2018.

8. L. Liu*, S. Leonhardt, and B. Misgeld, “Design and control of a mechanical rotary variable impedance actuator”, Mechatronics, 2016.


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